Estimate reading time of a page

Get an estimate of how long it will take to read the current page.

by @pixies


How to Use

Ask ChatGPT to estimate how long it will take to read the current page with this mod.

Activate the Mod

  1. Activate this mod. If you aren't logged into PixieBrix or need to create an account, you'll be prompted to do so before continuing the activation flow for this mod.

  2. Our Built-in Open-AI configuration is set by default, so no further configuration is needed!
    PixieBrix mod configuration

  3. Click the purple Activate button to finish.

  4. Set up a keyboard shortcut for toggling the PixieBrix Quick Bar.

Try it Out

  1. Use your keyboard shortcut to toggle the PixieBrix Quick Bar from any webpage, even this marketplace listing! Select the What's that called? action.
    PixieBrix Quick Bar menu
  2. A modal appears with an estimated reading time for the content on the current page.
    Modal that says how long average reading time is for current page

Endless Possibilities

This is just the beginning! Once you activate your mod, the possibilities are endless. With PixieBrix, you can customize any mod to meet your needs or even build something entirely new. If you run into any trouble, need friendly support, or want to share your creations with the world, join our PixieBrix Slack Community.

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