Hide Twitter Get Verified Modal

Hide the "get verified" modal on Twitter for those of us who will never cave.

by @pixies


How to Use

Tired of seeing the "Get Verified" message taking up space on your home page? For those of us who will never cave...activate this mod to get rid of it.

Activate the Mod

  1. Activate this mod by clicking this link or by clicking the purple Activate button in the top corner above the gif ^^. (If you're new to PixieBrix, you'll be guided through creating an account and installing the Chrome Extension.)
  2. No need to configure anything else! You'll need to give PixieBrix some permissions if you've never used it before. Otherwise, you're good to go!

Try it Out

  1. Head to your Twitter home page.
  2. Remember that pesky "Get verified" modal in the top right that made your twitter page longer than it needed to be? All gone!


Not working? Elon's probably changed the selectors, or created more selectors than I encountered when building this. Reach out to me and I'll help you fix for whatever selectors Elon's given you.

Need help? Head over to the Slack community or shoot an email to Pixie Britt.

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