Update Airtable Data

Change or replace Airtable data

by @pixies

How to Use

PixieBrix <> Airtable documentation

Add the table name or ID to the ‘tableName’ field. Set the ‘id’ field to the ID of the entry you want to update (can be found in the output of Airtable bricks). Change the type of the ‘fields’ field to object properties, add the name of each column you want to update on the ‘property’ side and the value you want to set it to on the ‘value’ side. If you want to clear all fields you didn’t set under ‘fields’, enable the ‘overwrite’ toggle.


Make sure to use the ID for the whole base for the service and not just the board ID


Name Required Type Description
id string ID of the entry to update, can be aquired with the Get Airtable Data brick
fields object The fields in your table and what to set them to
overwrite boolean Clears all fields that aren't specified. Leaving this off will leave unspecified fields as they are.
tableName string Name of the table to draw information from
airtableapi multiple


Name Required Type Description
No outputs for this brick defined.

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